Animation Fundamental - Final Project

Berlian Johanna / 0360054
Animation Fundamental / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons)

Final Project
Review Past Assignments



  1. Use your character from your previous project 1, animate a 5 second physical action sequence.
  2. Choose an action sequence that involves physical movement, such as a fight, chase, or sports-related activity. Develop a clear understanding of the desired outcome, key actions, and the emotions you want to convey in the scene.
  3. Create a storyboard that visualises the key moments, actions and emotion of the scene. Incorporate variety of camera shots, angles and visual continuity to enhance the visual storytelling. 
  4. The animation should show the quality of appeal, fluidity, flexibility and clarity and the understanding of cinematography and editing.
Progress :

I did make a story board as I try to vision it what kind of animation I will do. My vision was related to My character story lore where she dream about her daughter but she remember that she was away. The sketch was not make it nice since it was a raw idea.

Fig 1.1 Raw Sketch Story board

Fig 1.2 Storyboard

I usually make it more official when it comes with the animation, but I didnt expected to create more then 5second due to feel something missing. Also about background was paper due to FPE reference but in my own style and ANIMATION MEME fandom where some of them using blank backround without any wallpaper or blank coloured wall, and overall that location they are in the dream and white space void representetive of the character loneliness.

Final Result :

Fig 1.3a Finalized Animation

Fig 1.3b Story Board (PDF)

This semester is tiring and I know myself that I still learn more about managing the background but this far is my skill due to got influenced by animation meme from youtuber where the background was not used such ass wallpaper but a simple motion graphic or empty void wall with colour or just not. I hope I pass this module and I am not expecting anything but all matters that I am done and need rest since the reality of becoming animator was hard and it seems I did experience the pain and time consuming is.


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