Animation Fundamental - Exercises

Berlian Johanna / 0360054
Animation Fundamental / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons)



Exercise 1 - Bouncing Ball

Required to animate normal weight with moderate timing of bouncing ball. Applying the animation principles that you have learned on Week 2, Timing, Spacing, Slow in & Slow out and Arcs is required.
You may refer to any bouncing ball video to get the sense of the right timing.

Submission procedure :
1) Attach the video file (Mp4 Video format)
2) Upload the work on e-portfolio, write self reflection on the task and attach the link file in doc format
3) Upload Adobe Animate file.

Process : 

Fig 1.1 Using Adobe Animate

To animate the bouncing ball, we can use any of animation app or software but for me I prefer using Adobe Animate.

Fig 1.2 Bouncing Ball Structure

We create a ground using black line, then put a ball shape on top, after that create using red line arcs  to estimate how the ball bounces which will serve as a guideline for where the ball will bounce.

Fig 1.3 Entire Bouncing Ball structure

This is the entire structure how I make the bouncing ball works.

Final Results

Fig 1.4 Animation Bouncing Ball with Arcs

Fig 1.5 Animation Bouncing Ball - Final

Adobe Animate Google Drive file : Exercises - Google Drive

Exercise 2 - Bouncing Ball with Tail
  1. Applying the animation principles that you have learned on Week 2, Timing, Spacing, Slow in & Slow out and Arcs is required as part of the process.
  2. You may refer to any bouncing ball video to get the sense of the right timing.
  3. The final animation should be animated on ‘2’ with clean up stroke and output as .mp4 format.
  4. Upload progress and final work on your e-portfolio and update the link on MYTIMES platform as submission.
Fig 2.1 Animation Bouncing Ball with tail using Arcs

Fig 2.2 Animation Bouncing Ball with tail - Final


This is for the first time I learn animation in Adobe Animate, I thought the system or the controls are difficult but actualy I am manage to understand it. Since this is just my first time as I pay attention to the tutorial I found it entertaining. For the bouncing ball exercise, I need to improve my performance & perspective especialy how gravity works. After several weeks I learn something news I was decided to focus for the future upcoming task while try practice with the exercises



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