Information Design - Final Project : Animated Infographics

Berlian Johanna / 0360054
Information Design / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons)
Final Project - Animated Infographics

Information Design - Project 1 & 2



Final Project : Animated Infographics
  • Research the given topic in your group and break down the information into parts :
    narrative and visualization to educate the viewers about the issue.
  • Use questions ‘What, why, where, when, who, and how’ into the building of your narrative before transferring the information onto your storyboard.
  • Use relevant visuals to create associations of information to the infographics. Refer to the chart here to decide how to visualize.
  • Expected outcomes:
    - An animated infographic informing the audience about a given topic (min 1.5 max 3 min video)
    - Must include some form of data/statistics.
    - Must use the questioning technique and provide answers.

Idea Concept
Group 6 Member : 
  • Fion [Leader]
  • Berlian [Me]
  • Andrea
  • Anjali
  • Jessie
    In this part, we make a group and cooperate with eachother for any suggestion which topic we will decide to choose, and so our group leader choose History of Make Up for animated infographics. As we keep discuss we are wondering which make up should we choose, at first we are goind for lipstick but I suggest maybe perfume is more helpful because more historical written.   

    Research & Visual Reference

    After we finished to do the PPT about "The Journey of a Product from Factory to Consumer". Our group perform it to our lecturer and we also get a feedback. According to the feedback perfurm topic that we choose was too overbroad unless we do a research about how perfume production create and then choose which brand perfurme that we are focusing to used.
    After recieving the feedback, we using famous or well-known perfume to create a poll and vote which brand perfume is the best for final project. After wait for several minutes we all decided to use "Dior". 
    In visual reference, we visit documentaries video about manufacturing perfume, thinking also the scenarios we gonna add during the whole process of making perfume to sell, what are the main important points during the process, eg: perfume quality control, where perfume travels once it’s done etc. From here we develop questioning technique.

    1. Script/Narrations 
      Assigned by Fion for based on our research, we create a script

    2. Moodboard :
      Puppet / mascot sketch :
       assigned by Jessie looked for references for perfume-shaped mascots on Pinterest. Jessie started sketching it and adding expressions to the mascot.

      Fig 1.1
      Puppet/Mascot Sketch

      Character Drawing Style : assigned by me as I decided to follow the simple style where there’s no complicated shading, focusing with the simple colouring palette and the art style form just like a children's animation style. 
      Colour Scheme : For the colour scheme assigned by me & Jessie, we discuss with other members too for matching with the design and not to bring lots of complicated colour. Deciding to use pink, yellow and any bright warm colour for eyesight comfort.

      Art style (2D Outline) : 
      For the 2D outline assigned by me and Jessie, at first I decided to use different dark colours until Jessie suggested using a simple black outline for 2D colouring art style. It is more simple and efficient than before.

    3. Storyboard : Assigned by Fion and Andrea, they are using visual reference and narrations as direction to create storyboard + transition effects planning + visual suggestions.
    4. Audios : 
      Voiceover contribution :Assigned by Anjali, took up the initiative to help with our narration. After completing the storyboard, we decided on an approx of each narration’s duration. Fion then divided the durations and sent it to Anjali.

      Fig 1.2
      Time duration shown to be narrated for each scene

    5. BGM : We were deciding on what direction/type of music we want to go for i.e, trendy? pop? luxury? upbeating? jazz? lofi? etc. After hearing and trying out we decided to go for jazz. Link of the chosen bgm:

    ( In this progress 2 member assigned to do this process, Me and Jessie)

    One of our member named Jessie started to do the sketch digitally based on the narration. First, Jessie sketched the outline and then coloured it with a colour scheme that had been chosen through group discussion. Below are sketches for each scene.


    Fig 2.1 Sketch of perfume industry


    Fig 2.2 Sketch of cloud for scene 1

    Fig 2.3 Sketch of production process

    Fig 2.4 Sketch of constructor

    Fig 2.5 Sketch of mascot for what question

    Fig 2.6 Sketch of blended material

    Fig 2.7 Sketch of creating a perfect olfactory symphony

    Fig 2.8 Sketch of mascot for why question

    Fig 2.9 Sketch of quality control

    Fig 2.10 Sketch of safety check

    Fig 2.11 Sketch of mascot for what question

    Fig 2.12 Sketch of perfume filling

    Fig 2.13 Sketch of perfume packaging

    Fig 2.14 Sketch of perfume

    Fig 2.15 Sketch of mascot for where question

    Fig 2.16 Sketch of factory

    Fig 2.17 Sketch of warehouse

    Fig 2.18 Sketch globe

    Fig 2.19 Sketch of transportation transporting perfume

    Fig 2.20 Sketch of mascot for why question

    In this part I am helping Jessie to do some unfinished sketches to fill the empty moodboard scene and then colour it.

    Fig 2.21 Sketch customer use perfume

    Fig 2.22

    Sketch customer buy perfume

    Fig 2.23

    Sketch approved perfume design

    Fig 2.24 Sketch process perfume design

    Fig 2.25 Sketch a girl gather raw material

    Fig 2.26 Sketch 3 raw material

    Fig 2.27 Sketch graph

    Me and Jessie find some of the challenges part while sketching the progress which is to find inspiration and research especially for finding the raw materials and the idea how to create some interaction between a character for this perfume project. I also discuss with Jessie and other members too for deciding the colour palette they are going to apply for this sketch.

    ( In this progress 2 member assigned to do this process, Anjali and Fion )

    Anjali was incharge of animating 17 scenes for our illustrations.

    Fig 3.1 Division of work sent by Fion to Anjali

    Fig 3.2 Illustration process by Anjali

    Fig 3.3 Illustrated files by Anjali


    ( In this progress 2 member assigned to do this process, Andrea and Fion ) 

    Before starting the animation, Andrea and Fion met up to discuss the animations and transitions for each scenes and after receiving all the scene by scene digital illustrations from Fion and Anjali in the google drive.

    Fig 4.1 Finished digital illustrations files by Fion & Anjali 

    Andrea starts to animate it as per what was done in the demo animation that was shown in the previous class.
    (demo youtube video) 

    To make all the scenes match up with the narration, Andrea listens to each audio while animating to make it match up with the audio more accurately. 


    Fig 4.2 All audios in Google Drive from Anjali

    Fig 4.3 Scene 1-6 (Start of Scene) by Andrea 

    Fig 4.4 Scene 1-6 (End of Scene) by Andrea

    As per what Andrea and Fion discussed when they met up, Fion suggested a transition for the both start and end of the animation in scene 1-6. 

    Start : The buildings start appearing one by one 

    End : The clouds get pushed up and the buildings in the back slowly fade away, for this part Andrea had to add another solid layer of the background and time it correctly so when the clouds get pushed up, the solid layer will also get pushed up at the same time, hiding he buildings in the back   

    Fig 4.5 Scene 19 by Andrea 

    For scene 19, Fion had helped Andrea find some tutorials to help animate this scene more accurately. 

    After Effects How to move object along circle path - 

    Animate a fake 3D globe with 2D layers - 


    Fig 4.6 Version 1 of scene 20-23 by Andrea


    Fig 4.7 Version 2 of scene 20-23 by Andrea 

    Andrea made 2 versions of scene 20-23, version 2 was made after receiving feedback from Fion. After receiving feedback from Mr. Shamsul, he said that the original version of this particular scene was fine and there was no need to change it. 

    Fig 4.8 Scene 24-25 by Andrea 

    To animate each bar, Andrea watched this tutorial 

    Animating Graphs in After Effects - 

    Fig 4.9 Scene 29-31 by Andrea

    To animate the scent effect sliding in from the right, Andrea added a Shape Layer for each of the scent effects and then Track Matting it onto each Shape Layer. To make it appear, Andrea animates it by pushing the Shape Layer into frame of the scent effects. 

    Fig 4.10 finished animated files by Andrea


    ( In this progress 1 member assigned to do this process, Fion )

    Youtube Link : G6 - The Perfume Production Final


    (Links Process Our Work)


    Link : G6 - Perfume BreakDowns

    Link : G6 -  Narrations

    Link : G6 - Scenes sketches in B&W

    Link : G6 - Scene sketches coloured

    Link : G6 - Digital Illustrations


    Week 5:  Perfume production make it simple sketch art style throughout all scenes, incorporating some data visualisations, such as graphs, to effectively communicate factual information within our video. 

    Week 6: Choose consistent Color scheme, incorporating a title card design in the introduction and placing a logo watermark somewhere on the video for better audience recognition.

    Week 7: Reduce background music sound, enhance narration, include a title card at the beginning to introduce your work, Add a watermark logo somewhere on the video, ideally in a corner, to increase brand recognition, finishing the animation before deadline .

    During this module, we are assigned in group to creata Animated Infographic ( History of Make-up : The Perfume Production ). We learn something about perfume and at the same time sharing our ideas how we going to pour this content. Our group may struggle with efficient time or even lack of communication, but we did our best to stay active and helping eachother. We manage to cooperate and also assigned the part that we need to do and what do we can provide or handle. With this group project and how we experience to work with some of the task that we able to do, I will remember this and hoping useful in future.


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