Motion Graphic - Final project

Berlian Johanna / 0360054
Motion Graphics & Compositing / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons)

Final Project 2 : Abstract Motion

Review Past Assignment:

Motion Graphic & Compositing - Exercise

Motion Graphic & Compositing - Project 1 - 3


Final Project -  Abstract Motion

Fig 1.1 Moodboard

I explain to the point in the moodboard of how I am deciding for motion graphic I will do. This project i find it interesting and very meant for me and so I try express pouring all my passion in this project.

Themed : Maladaptive Daydreaming ( Experience View )
Reason : As a person who suffer in Maladaptive Daydreaming, it is sometimes a roller coaster for me. It may be helpful for the creativity but it will be burnt out or a mental problem due to distraction a lot and unable to coping myself with the reality.

Progress :
Through entire progress I have use several sources to get the elements I needed along with photoshoping and more. 
I even animate some of the part only to make the motion graphic has some humanity or interesting touch in my opinion. 
Fig 1.2a Animation eye blink in Ibis Paint

Fig 1.2b Animation eye blink in Ibis Paint

In this animation I just add it to make the motion graphic isn't empty at all. I only ad 2 animation only to make this unique touch.

Fig 1.3 The Final Motion Graphic Progress

This far the progress was until 8 second and since the song music also catchy and base of the inspiration in the moodboard I make it interesting repetitive with some different elements too.

Final Results

I find this project was tiring due to 2 days I finished it, I was hoping it will be satisfaction too for the audience and lecturer since I put all my heart and passion for this since I want to express it and this project really meaningful for me. I learn alot of editing and even search some tutorial and I like it!

Hopefuly in the future I will be better in this motion graphic and soon I also might do mix animation using this technique since it was fun and efficient for animators too in rigging. I just need to learn more about the difference between types of animation too but overall, I AM LOOKING FORWARD!


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