3D Modeling - Exercises

Berlian Johanna / 0360054
3D Modeling / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons)



Exercise 1 - Primitive Modeling


  1. Think of any object such as train, snowman, robot etc. that can be simplified as a combination of primitive shapes.

  2. Sketch your idea for inspiration.

  3. Using Blender, model the objects using primitive objects such as Sphere, Cylinder, Cube, Cone, etc. Use transformation tools to manipulate the object and you may use modifier tools to deform the model. 

  1. Assign basic material to the objects. Using viewport shading technique using Workbench Render, set the final look to make it presentable by manipulating the light and shadow appearance. Compose the object within the camera for final output by adjusting the right angle and frame.

  1. Set the output size as 720p (1280 x 720). Use Viewport Render Image to render the final image and save as png format.

  2. For submission, render 2 images:
    1. Final render solid without wireframe.
    2. Final render solid with wireframe.

  1. For other submission:
    1. e-portfolio blogspot link (format *.doc)
    2. Blender file

  1. Deadline of submission is on Week 3 by the next class.


Fig 1.1a 1st inspiration Model robot

Fig 1.1b 1st inspiration Model robot

Fig 1.2 2nd Inspiration Model Perfume

I try find inspiration for doing 3D model. I search from internet event the tutorial to find it easy to model with. This far my 1st idea was robot and then vacuum cleaner from Wall-E movie, but then I lastly change into simple robot inspired from Ortomi and then perfume shape from WOOD Perfume.

Fig 1.3 first model

In this model I got a feedback because it doesnt look like a robot for lecturer, The lecturer suggested for me to add a wheel. So I make a changes model to make it similar with the robot I inspired with. 

Fig 1.4 Second model

The second model version, I was planning with adding the wheel under the robot model. The lecturer suggested again to put int on sides and make the wheel bigger.

Fig 1.5 Third Model

Fig 1.6 Robot 3D Model with Wireframe

This one I got approved that the robot looks better but I want to learn more to edit it do I try to look on youtube and some tutorial for the reference if this robot can be polished. After that I go with the perfume design and got approved, so I go with all I can do to finished it.

Final Result

Fig 1.6 Final Robot 3D Model

Fig 1.7 Final Robot 3D Model with Wireframe

Fig 1.8 Final Perfume 3D Model

Fig 1.9 Final Perfume 3D Model with Wireframe

Google Drive : Exercises - Google Drive

Exercise 2 - Cylindrical Modeling

  1. Think of any object made of cylindrical shape such as a plate, bottle, bowl, glass etc.
  2. Make a composition from multiple different objects as in the example.
  3. Get as much as references such as blueprint or images for selected objects.
  4. Model the object using a primitive cylinder by utilising modeling tools like Extrude, Bevel, Inset and Loop Cut. Apply a smooth modifier and adjust the sharpness or smoothness of the corner using various techniques.
  5. Use Viewport rendering in Blender for final output. Output size is 1280 x 720 with png format.
  6. Upload the 2 final images  (PNG) with and without wireframe.
  7. Explanation on your e-portfolio and update the link on TIMES platform as submission.
  8. Upload Blender file.
  9. Submission by next class.

Fig 2.1 3D Model of bottle, glass and tray.

Fig 2.2 Coloured model

Still a same process just like from exercise 1, try to find the reference and apply it with blender. It has nothing to explain more further.

Final Result

Fig 2.3 Final 3D Model with Wireframe

Fig 2.4 Final Perfume 3D Model without Wireframe

Exercise 3 - Box Modeling

  1. Think of any object made of box shape such as an electronic device, vehicle, furniture etc. Keep it simple and interesting. 
  2. Get as much as references such as blueprint or images for selected objects. If you can’t find any reference, study the shapes and proportions for the pictures..
  3. Model the object using a primitive Cube by utilising modeling tools that you have learned in class using box modeling techniques. You are allowed to combine with other shapes like cylinders, spheres etc but the dominant shape must be in a box.
  4. Apply basic material and colour.
Final Result

Fig 3.1 Final 3D Model with Wireframe

Fig 3.2 Final Perfume 3D Model without Wireframe

Exercise 3 - Organic Modeling

  1. Download the provided blueprint/ reference.
  2. Use the image as reference for your modeling.
  3. Model the karambit using organic modeling techniques and tools that you learnt (Boolean, Loop Cut, Knife, Symmetry)
  4. Apply basic material and colour.
  5. Use Viewport rendering in Blender for final output. Output size is 1280 x 720 with png format.
  6. Upload the 2 final images  (PNG) with and without wireframe.
Progress & Final Result

Fig 4.1 Karambit Picture Reference

We using this picture as a reference for organic modeling. We also assigned using basic material colour and make sure it is blender enough base of the following reference.

Fig 4.2 Final Karambit 3D Model with Frame

Fig 4.3 Final Karambit 3D Model without Frame

I was having hard time to understand how the system work as I try to review many times even to Youtube tutorial. But eventually I will get used to it if I keep practicing and remember the controls. I also need to memorizing the shortcut or some tricks in order for me to adapt for modeling. I find it difficult during this is the subject that I lack but at the same time I am hoping maybe I can fully adapt or didn't find it hatd again as I keep getting teached or tutor for many times.


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