3D Modeling - Exercises
Berlian Johanna / 0360054 3D Modeling / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Exercises Instructions Exercise 1 - Primitive Modeling EXERCISE 1: MODELING FROM PRIMITIVES OBJECTS Think of any object such as train, snowman, robot etc. that can be simplified as a combination of primitive shapes. Sketch your idea for inspiration. Using Blender, model the objects using primitive objects such as Sphere, Cylinder, Cube, Cone, etc. Use transformation tools to manipulate the object and you may use modifier tools to deform the model. Assign basic material to the objects. Using viewport shading technique using Workbench Render, set the final look to make it presentable by manipulating the light and shadow appearance. Compose the object within the camera for final output by adjusting the right angle and frame. Set the output size as 720p (1280 x 720). Use Viewport Render Image to render the final image and save as png format. For submission, render 2 images: 1. Final...