Design Principle Project 1 - Self Potrait

25.1.2023 - 3.2.2023 ( Week 3 ) Berlian Johanna / 0360054 / Bachelor of Design ( Hons ) in Creative Media Design Principles Project 1 Instruction 1. Brief Recap In this week, Self portrait is a material to a self representation in the form of art how it reflects feelings and how individual view including themself. Self portrait doesn't need to potray you as an illustration, but as a person with flaws. 2. Design Process 2.1 Visual References Fig 1.2 Inspiration for Self-potrait Fig 1.3 Inspiration of Self-portrait Fig 1.4 Inspiration of Self-portrait 2.2 Idea Exploration Fig 2.1 Sketch Of Spaceman My first idea was about a spaceman with a view reflection in his ab...