Animation Fundamental - Project 1 & 2

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Animation Fundamental / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Project 1 & 2 Instructions Project 1A- PRE-PRODUCTION FOR 2D ANIMATION PROJECT For this work progression 1, Set the character description (Age, Gender, Weight, Attitude, Personality) and design a character based on the information. You may take the character information from Film Studies and Cinematography class. Based on the study, use your creativity to come out with your own unique design by playing around with design elements. Remember it must look different from your references. Deliverables: A turnaround sheet (front, side, back and ¾ view perspective). Pose sheet (Various poses in different emotion) - 5 poses *full body. Character facial expressions - 5 expressions * focus on chest up. Your goal here is to create a character design that should reflect his or her personality in the story and be visually appealing to the targeted audience. Reference : Fig 1.1 FPE by...