
Animation Fundamental - Final Project

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Animation Fundamental / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Final Project Review Past Assignments Animation Fundamental - Exercies Animation Fundamental - Project 1 & 2 Instructions Final Project -  PHYSICAL ACTION SEQUENCE ANIMATION Use your character from your previous project 1, animate a 5 second physical action sequence. Choose an action sequence that involves physical movement, such as a fight, chase, or sports-related activity. Develop a clear understanding of the desired outcome, key actions, and the emotions you want to convey in the scene. Create a storyboard that visualises the key moments, actions and emotion of the scene. I

3D Modeling - Final Project

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 3D Modeling / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Final Project Review Past Assignments : 3D MODELING - EXERCISES 3D MODELING PROJECT 1 & 2 Google Driver Review :   3D Modeling - Google Drive Instructions Final Project - Character Modeling You are required to produce an organic 3D model of a character from a model sheet. The example pictures shown are just a sample and demo purposes. You may search the image reference and model sheet of your favourite character.  Model the character using polygon tools and techniques based on what you have learnt. Apply the right material and texture to give its appearance.  Apply three points lighting and render. Progress Fig 1.1 Ref 1 Model Sheet 3D Fig 1.2 Ref 2 I decided to use My Melody Characrter from Sanrio because I find it cute and simple and maybe I could search tutorial too for how to build it more nice for this character. Fig 1.3 I start to make a head first and it was not bad but I modify to not follo

Motion Graphic - Final project

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Motion Graphics & Compositing / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Final Project 2 : Abstract Motion Review Past Assignment: Motion Graphic & Compositing - Exercise Motion Graphic & Compositing - Project 1 - 3   Instructions Final Project -  Abstract Motion Fig 1.1 Moodboard I explain to the point in the moodboard of how I am deciding for motion graphic I will do. This project i find it interesting and very meant for me and so I try express pouring all my passion in this project. Themed : Maladaptive Daydreaming ( Experience View ) Reason : As a person who suffer in Maladaptive Daydreaming, it is sometimes a roller coaster for me. It may be helpful for the creativity but it will be burnt out or a mental problem due to distraction a lot and unable to coping myself with the reality. Progress : Through entire progress I have use several sources to get the elements I needed along with photoshoping and more.  I eve

Design Research Dissertation Assignment 3 - Online Publication

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Design Research Dissertation / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Online Publication Design Dissertation Assignment 1 Design Dissertation Assignment 2 Instructions Task Week 12-end Fig 1.1 Finalized Dissertation The last assignment required us to modify our dissertation into a brief paper that might be published, following the guidelines set forth by The Design School KREATE journal. Additionally, a template for writing our article in the document was provided to us. Fig 1.2 Finalized Journal Publication Article Journal Publication - Google Drive Feedback : Week 12 :   Progression about Page Book Cover & Final Dissertation Specific Feedback : Focus on finishing the cover book & final dissertation. Due to miscommunication and late feedback especially in dissertation just focus on fixing TURNITIN and about the cover book it may still use t

Design Research Dissertation Assignment 2 - Visual Publication

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Design Research Dissertation / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Visual Publication Instructions Task Google Drive Design Dissertation Week 8-10 As part of your 2nd Assignment, you need to turn your final dissertation, along with its visual design, into an e-book in PDF format.  Fig 1.1 MOODBOARD   Fig 1.2 PDF Page Layout Design I design all in Adobe Illustration, and then move it to InDesign. I manage finished even it's not the best design I have made but I was hoping it was reconsidered and accepted. Feedback : Week 8, 9 & 11 : No class Week 10 : Progression about Page Book cover In the beginning of the class : The lecturer checked our progression this far. Specific Feedback : The font does not match with the title themed about modern. The page layout isn’t creative and plain or lacks creativity. General Feedback : Make sure to finish it before the deadline.        https://online

Design Research Dissertation Assignment 1 - Draft Dissertation

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 Design Research Dissertation / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Draft Dissertation Instructions Task Week 1-7 Fig 1.1 Literature Review Matrix Fig 1.2 Draft Literature Review Google Drive Design Dissertation Feedback : Week 1 : Module Briefing In the beginning of the class : 1. Introduction to Module details, expectations & Assessment Rubriks. 2. Writing A Literature Review Matrix Specific Feedback : No specific feedback. General Feedback : Following the examples from seniors in google classroom and MIB. Week 2 : Literature Review In the beginning of the class : 1. Our lecturer check each of our progress with Matrix Literature Review 2. Checking Sub topic in Literature  Review Specific Feedback : No specific feedback. General Feedback : Following the examples from seniors in google classroom and MIB. W

3D Modeling Project 1 & 2

Berlian Johanna / 0360054 3D Modeling / Bachelore of Design in Creative Media (Hons) Project 1 &  2 Instructions Project 1 - Hard Surface Modeling Choose hard surface object in any of these categories :  - Vehicle, weapon, robot, machine. Search reference images or blueprints.  Model the selected object using polygon tools and techniques based on what you have learnt. Apply the right material and texture to give its appearance. Progress I choose weapon since in my opinion it's not really bad for me to handle the difficulties. I also try to search and asking from the lecturer which weapon suitable for me to model it. Until I decided to do the magical girl staff which is the sailormoon staff. Fig 1.1 Reference 1  Fig 1.2 Reference 2 Since sailormon staff has many kind of uniqe style i try to edit a bit but didnt try to get rid of the original design.  Fig 1.3 Overall progression That time before this design made, I once had but it was mess up so I hve to start build it from the s